Trinity In Twelve Weeks
- Studying Strategies
- Planning and Practice
- Time Management
- Recognising and Managing Stress
- Top Tips for Exam Season
Studying Strategies
There are countless studying strategies, and it is important to explore and experiment with what works best for you.
Watch this video, then click on the drop-down arrows for more information on the effective studying strategies that make up the ANSWER method.
A - Ask, Explain & Connect
- Ask yourself questions about how things work and why while you are studying, then find the answers in your class materials and by discussing them with classmates.
- Explain and describe ideas with as many details as you can.
- As you elaborate, make connections between different ideas to explain how they work together. Take two ideas and think about ways they are similar and different.
- Describe how the ideas you are studying relate to your own experiences and memories. As you go through your day, make connections to the topics you are learning in class.
- Make sure the way you are explaining and describing ideas is accurate. Don't overextend your elaborations, and always check with your class materials.
- Work your way up so that you can explain and describe ideas without using your class materials.
N - No Cramming
- Start planning early for exams, and set aside a little bit of study time every day. Five hours spread out over two weeks is better than five hours all at once.
- Review information from each class, but not immediately after class. Wait until the next day before reviewing.
- As you review information from new classes, make sure to go back and review older information as well. This will keep it fresh.
- When you sit down to study, make sure you are using effective study srategies and not just reading your notes.
- This may seem difficult and you may forget some information from day to day, but this is a good thing! It forces you to retrieve the information from your memory (which is letter R - 'Recall What You Know').
- Leave small gaps between your study sessions on a particular module (2 or 3 days) and do consistent, short study sessions over time, so that it all adds up.
S - Switch
- Switch between ideas during a study session. Don't stay on one topic or type of question/problem for too long.
- Make links between different ideas as you switch between them.
- Make sure you spend enough time on an idea to understand it, and don't switch too often - it's about finding a balance.
- Go back over the ideas again in different orders during subsequent study sessions to strengthen your understanding.
- Switching will probably feel harder than studying the same thing for a long time, but that is good for your study and your understanding. You will come to understand the topics better when you are used to studying them in different orders.
W - Words & Visuals
- Combine verbal material with visuals to give yourself two ways of taking in, understanding, and remembering information.
- Look at your class materials and find visuals. Look over the visuals and compare them to the words used to illustrate similar/the same ideas.
- Look at the visuals and explain in your own words what they mean.
- Take information that you are trying to learn, and draw your own visuals to represent it.
- Try to come up with different ways to represent the information - e.g. graphs, charts, diagrams, timelines, infographics, etc...
- Work your way up to drawing visuals from memory.
E - Examples
- Use specific, concrete examples. Relevant, concrete examples help demonstrate and explain ideas, which helps you to understand them better, and then better memorise the information.
- Collect examples your lecturer or teaching assistant has used, and look in your class materials for more.
- Make the link between the idea you are studying and each example you find, so that you understand how the example applies to the idea.
- Share examples with friends, and explain them to each other for added benefit.
- You might find examples online that are not used appropriately, so make sure yours are correct, and - if you aren't sure - check with your lecturer or teaching assistant.
- Ultimately, creating your own relevant examples will be most beneficial, so once you're more comfortable using examples to aid your learning, try and find them in your daily life.
R - Recall What You Know
- Practice retrieving everything you already know in your head about a topic.
- Put away your notes and textbooks and write or sketch out everything you can remember about an idea. Be as thorough as possible. Then check your class material for anything important you might have missed, or gotten wrong.
- Do as many past papers as you can.
- Make flashcards for help with recalling information, but make sure you think about the links between flashcards as well as the definitions written on them.
- Recalling what you know works best when you go back to check your notes for accuracy afterwards.
- Recalling information is hard! If you are struggling, identify the ideas you are missing and start studying them again until you have worked up to being able to recall them.
- Don't only recall definitions and words, make sure to recall ideas, examples, and links as well.
Planning & Practice
When planning for an upcoming assessment period, we recommend following the steps and advice below:
- Use a revision planner(s).
- Check the date, time, and venue of all of your exams. Add them to your calendar as you check.
- Get an overview of the topics and information you need to study. (Attending class and reviewing past papers should help you with this).
- Construct a revision timetable which prioritises topics in terms of importance and closeness to the date of exams. Make sure you cover what you have to do instead of what you would like to do.
- Try to identify your academic strengths and weaknesses to help you devise your revision timetable and prioritise tasks in order to give your best personal performance in the exam.
- Review your past exam performances. Analyse what went well and what didn’t, and put strategies in place to overcome any previous problems.
- Review your revision timetable regularly and adapt it if you feel it is not working for you.
- Organise your study environment – the more similar it is to the exam setting the better.
- Organise your notes and revision materials into separate topic folders for each exam.
- Colour coding folders for different exam topics and repeating these colour codes on your timetable can help you to feel more organised.
- Check your Course Handbook, if applicable, for any information about exam structures and formats, what is expected, and what percentage of your overall grade for a module or year each exam is worth.
- Make sure you are familiar with any changes to the exam papers, marking criteria, compulsory questions, or course syllabus before you start your revision.
- When you are setting your study goals try to make them as meaningful to you as possible by brainstorming ideas, experimenting with different approaches, and building in regular review periods and rewards.
- Marking off what you have achieved on your revision timetable will give you a sense of achievement and satisfaction.
Past Papers
One of the first steps in preparing for exams should be to review your modules' past papers. Reviewing past papers helps you to become familiar with the structure and format of the exam. They are useful for identifying the types of questions you may be asked and planning your revision strategy.
Make sure to test yourself using past papers under both timed and un-timed conditions. By practising answering exam questions, you can considerably improve your performance.
Do make sure to find out if there will be any changes from the norm when it comes to your exam by asking your lecturer. Some of them will be more forthcoming than others about what might be on the paper, but make sure you know the format - how many questions will you have to answer; how many will be on the paper; will there be any compulsory questions; will they be short answer, multiple choice, or essay questions?
Adjusting to working under exam conditions takes practice. Follow the advice below to help!
Simulate Exam Conditions
- The key to both intellectual and emotional preparation for exams is simulation, and the closer a simulation is to the actual event, the more likely it is that preparation will be effective.
- It is important that a simulation engages both intellectual and emotional responses.
- You can most closely simulate exam conditions by completing past papers to time in a low distraction environment without access to your notes. Consider asking a family member or housemate to play the role of invigilator.
- Memory and recall are two different processes. Completing a past paper to time and without accessing your notes will encourage you to recall information as it relates to a specific prompt, rather than simply repeating everything that you know about a particular topic.
Adjust Your Environment
- Make part of your study space look like an exam hall.
- Use photos, sketches, etc. to bring the exam venue into your study space.
- Mentally place yourself in the exam venue when you are practicing.
Develop Strategies for Performance Anxiety
- If possible, visit the exam venue and get comfortable in it.
- Know your potential examination anxiety. Ask yourself:
- How likely is it that you will experience anxiety?
- How serious will your anxiety be?
- Plan to minimise your anxiety:
- Simulate coping with exam anxiety at home.
- Practice 'time out' in place.
- Maintain your physical and mental health.
- Go into the exam rested.
Rehearse Performing at Your Personal Best
- Practice deconstructing questions using a prepared format.
- Practice writing answers using prepared answer formats.
- Mark your own answers as critically as possible.
- Practice - both un-timed and timed!
Exam Skills Workshops
SLD have a number of Exams Skills Workshops available to view on-demand on their website. Check them out at the link below!
Time Management
Time Management Strategies
Check out the time management strategies from SLD below, then find out more through the Academic Skills for Successful Study Blackboard Module!
- Prioritise: You probably have a lot of things to do, so assess how important and how urgent the tasks are, then make sure high priority tasks get done first and are not put off on a regular basis - avoid time-wasting busy-work!
- Be specific: Make the task as specific as possible - we tend to follow through then, especially if we write it down. For example, instead of telling yourself 'I’ll do some statistics this week,' try 'I’ll work through 3 descriptive statistics problems on Tuesday at 7pm.'
- Small bite-size pieces: It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, so try breaking tasks down into smaller sub-tasks. Once you’ve started working on something, it’s easier to keep going.
- Use all available time: This is an especially good strategy if you are pressed for time. You don’t necessarily need a block of time in order to study. Students often have pockets of time between classes, when travelling to College, etc. There are lots of study tasks that can be accomplished in short periods, such as reviewing the main points of a reading or lecture.
- Structure the environment: Find a place to study - preferably one you can use regularly and with limited distractions. Make sure you have all the essentials that you need to study there so that you have no excuses not to work.
- Establish a routine: We are creatures of habit. If you always study at a certain time or on a particular day, then it will be easier to get into concentration mode. Also, it is better to study briefly and regularly than to work for hours on end once every couple of weeks.
Academic Skills Blackboard Module
Organising Your Materials
It's easier to manage your time when your materials are organised, as you won't have to waste time figuring out where you put your notes on 'x' subject or your lucky pen each time you want to get some work done.
Here are some top tips to help you get organised and stay organised long-term:
- Set up different folders for different modules on your computer rather than having lots of individual documents cluttering up the space. Back up your files and folders using drive, online, or external offline storage.
- Label files, folders (including digital ones!), boxes, notebooks, etc. accurately. If possible, use colour coding and assign a different colour to each module or subject to make it easier for you to tell your materials apart. You may also find it helpful to use pictures.
- File your lecture notes, handouts, etc. in the correct place as soon as you get home each day. If taking notes electronically, take twenty seconds at the end of each class to make sure you know how and where you're saving your files!
- Once a week, sort any remaining loose papers and handouts, draft documents, etc. into the relevant files and folders.
- Display important information on a whiteboard or pinboard near your desk or computer.
- Use a wall planner in addition to a diary, or enter all of your commitments, diary items, and timetable into a digital calendar such as the Google Calendar included in your MyZone account.
You'll find more resources to improve your organisation skills in the Academic Skills for Successful Study Blackboard Module!
Academic Skills Blackboard Module
You will often find that you have multiple deadlines for different modules at the end of semesters, or around Reading Weeks. It is important to plan your time in order to stay on top of your workload... Luckily, SLD have some strategies to help you do this!
- Create a master schedule that indicates on a semester or yearly basis when holidays, exams, presentations, essays, etc. are or will be due. Post it in a prominent spot!
- Create a weekly schedule...
- At a regular time - e.g. Sunday evenings at 6pm - plan your week ahead, taking into account your master schedule, any recent developments, and your study goals for that week.
- Mark out your known commitments such as classes, labs, work, sport, meals, etc.
- Make a list of your study tasks - be specific and prioritise.
- Schedule these study tasks into available time slots, taking the purpose of the task into consideration. For example, if you are working on an essay, more time will be needed, and so schedule yourself an hour or two, rather than 15 minutes. If the purpose is review, say to scan a text, then make use of the odd half hours you have available.
- Schedule tasks that may require maximum concentration during your daily “peaks” or periods of maximum alertness – these will vary from person to person.
- Allot times for relaxation, exercise, etc., and be sure to include a 'cease study' time that gives you time to unwind before you sleep (and it gives you something to look forward to at the end of the day!).
- Monitor and evaluate your schedule. Review what you have accomplished at the end of a day, and decide if the schedule for the next day needs to be changed as a result.
- Some students work better using a detailed daily 'to-do' list. Again, at a regular time (for example, last thing at night or first thing in the morning), plan out your day, taking into account your master schedule and study goals for the week.
- When you have finished a study task, cross it off your timetable or list.
- Avoid too much detail - a schedule has to remain flexible or it becomes a dinosaur! Everyone has different needs; perhaps start with just organising study tasks for certain classes, or by only listing your priorities.
- Schedule in rewards - for example, time watching your favourite TV programme after doing a task you were dreading.
You'll find downloadable weekly, monthly, and annual planners in the Academic Skills Blackboard Module.
What is Stress?
Stress is how you feel when you are facing demands that you are not sure you can meet. It is a normal part of everyday life and can be both positive and negative. Many things can trigger a stress response - relationships, money, work, exams, the expectations you put on yourself or the expectations you feel from others – the list is endless.
Stress can affect how you feel; how you think and behave; your confidence; and your energy levels. A small amount of stress can be healthy as it can motivate us and help prepare us for challenges in life. However, when this balance tips into high stress levels it can cause you to feel unwell. It is very difficult to measure or predict stress levels as different people react to events in their lives in different ways – so what you find destructively stressful may be motivating for someone else.
How to Recognise Stress
Stress symptoms will be different for different people, so it is important that you develop a picture of what you feel like when you are stressed. This will help you to recognise the symptoms of stress early, so that you can find ways of reducing stress. Recognising and managing stress early will help prevent it leading to more serious problems such as anxiety, depression, or high blood pressure. Some common symptoms of stress are listed here:
- Rapid heartbeat
- Tense muscles
- Headaches
- Feeling irritated/agitated
- Sleeping problems
- Breathlessness
- Sweating
- Loss of appetite
- Upset stomach
- Difficulty concentrating
- Racing thoughts
How to Manage Stress
Coping resources can broadly be divided into cognitive coping strategies and physical coping strategies. Some of these coping strategies will suit some people, others will not. The key is to have a range of resources that can be applied depending upon the situation and the individual. Furthermore, it is important to have strategies one is comfortable using.
Cognitive Behavioural Strategies
These refer to ways of dealing with stress using our minds. Cognitive coping strategies are a good way to combat stress-producing thoughts. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet said, “. . . for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. . .” Examples of these strategies are:
- Reframing – focus on the good not the bad; think in terms of wants instead of shoulds. It’s best if our thinking is related to our goals. For example, “I want to read and understand this chapter in Chemistry so I do well in my lab practical” instead of “I have to read this difficult chapter in Chemistry”.
- Challenging negative thinking – stopping the negative thoughts we may have about a situation or ourselves. Examples of negative thoughts include expecting failure, putting yourself down, feelings of inadequacy - a thought such as “Everyone else seems to understand this except me.”
In order to gain control of negative thoughts or worries, you must first become aware of them. Next, say “Stop!” to yourself out loud when they occur. Try replacing with positive affirmations or at least challenge or question any irrationality of the thoughts,or take a pause.
- Positive self-talk – using positive language and statements to ourselves. These are sometimes referred to as positive affirmations; they are useful for building confidence and challenging negative thoughts. For example, “I can do this or understand this,” or “I’ll try my best”. Positive affirmations work best when they are realistic and tailored to your needs and goals.
- Count to ten – this allows you time to gain control and perhaps rethink the situation or come up with a better coping strategy.
- Cost-benefit analysis – ask yourself "Is it helping me to get things done when I think this way?"
- Keeping perspective – when under stress it is easy to lose perspective; things can seem insurmountable. Some questions to ask yourself: "Is this really a problem?," "Is this a problem anyone else has had?," "Can I prioritise the problems?," "Does it really matter?" Cultivate optimism.
- Reducing uncertainty – seek any information or clarification you may require to reduce the uncertainty. It helps to ask in a positive way. Situations that are difficult to classify, are obscure or have multiple meanings can create stress.
- Using imagery/visualisation –imagine yourself in a pleasant or a successful situation to help reduce stress. One way to use imagery is as a relaxation tool; try to remember the pleasure of an experience you’ve had or a place you’ve been. The more senses you involve in the image, the more realistic it becomes, and therefore the more powerful. This strategy is often combined with deep breathing or relaxation exercises.
Behavioural Coping Strategies
These refer to ways of dealing with stress by doing something or taking action to reduce the stress experienced. Examples of these strategies are:
- Physical exercise – aerobic exercise is the most beneficial for reducing stress. It releases neurochemicals in the brain that aid concentration. For some people, even a short walk is sufficient to relieve stress.
- Relaxation – from simple relaxation exercises such as dropping the head forward and rolling it gently from side to side or stretching, to more complex progressive relaxation exercises. Progressive relaxation involves tensing and releasing isolated muscle groups until muscles are relaxed. Try the Student Counselling Service's Mindfulness Programme.
- Breathing – from simple deep breaths to more complex breathing exercises related to relaxation and meditation.
- Smile and Laugh - these acts give us energy and help to lighten the load; they relax muscles in the face.
- Time management – specific strategies such as clarifying priorities, setting goals, evaluating how time is spent doing a partciular task, developing an action plan, overcoming procrastination, and organising time. These help us to cope with the numerous demands placed upon us which are often a source of stress.
- Social Support/Friends – encourage the development and nurturing of relationships.
- Seek Help – to help us cope with unmanageable stress. Supports in college include the College Health Centre, Student Counselling Service, College Tutors, and Chaplains.
SilverCloud 'Space from Stress'
SilverCloud offers online programmes that target specific problems common to students. Students who use SilverCloud are assigned a counsellor (from the Student Counselling Service) who ‘checks in’ online about once a week and gives extra help if needed. The programmes take 6-8 weeks to complete, and include both information and practical advice/exercises.
'Space from Stress' deals with the symptoms and causes of stress in student life.
Top Tips for Exam Season!