Plan Your Research
The RDO Team offers professional expertise and in-depth support to researchers applying for research funding across hundreds of funders.
Keeping you informed:
We advertise upcoming workshops, information events and funding calls via the Research Focus newsletter, and our Eventbrite page.
Funding plans:
We maintain a comprehensive overview of the funding landscape and can help you to tailor a funding plan to your specific research area and career stage.
Application Support:
The RDO and your locally-based Research Programme Officer or SFI Centre Funding Manager have extensive experience of the application process, evaluation criteria and the ingredients of successful applications.
Examples of the types of supports researchers can avail of:
- Advice on funding opportunities for individuals or research groups, CV building;
- Dedicated ERC/Wellcome Trust/NIH supports;
- Dedicated support for coordinators of collaborative Horizon Europe proposals;
- Support with finding a consortium;
- Facilitating internal review panels;
- Budget advice & templates;
- Access to national support funds for Horizon Europe (coordinator and travel grants);
- Tips, handbooks and background information.
Making our supports work for you
Successful proposals are aligned with the funding call, started early, and get expert advice.

- Find the right funding call
- Familiarize yourself with the call/funder
- Know the funder
- Read their strategy
- What are their priorities?
- What have they funded before?
- READ and re-read the application guidance notes!
- Confirm that you are eligible
- Attend an information session (Funder or RDO)
We can help you write a research funding plan e.g. 2023-2028, tailored to your:
- Career stage
- Field of research
- Goals