Named Collections - Q

Binding of Pastoralia de Daphnide et Chloe by Longus, Parma, 1786. Quin no. 43
Queen of Roumania
20 items approx.
This collection contains copies of novels written by the Queen of Roumania under the pseudonym Carmen Sylvia.
Presented in the 1930s.
Quin Collection (Bibliotheca Quiniana)
110 items in 156 volumes.
This collection of Henry George Quin (1760-1805), a wealthy Irishman and Trinity College Dublin graduate, was bequeathed by him to the College. Quin was a noted collector who travelled widely and bought at auctions on the continent, in Ireland and in England. Of the 127 works originally in the collection, 14 were culled by Quin himself and 3 were not present when the collection came to Trinity College Dublin.
The library is a miscellaneous, but highly select, collection of rare copies of early continental printings in fine bindings, chiefly consisting of works of classical and Italian literature. There are 16 incunabula including such works as Virgil’s Opera, Venice, 1470, and Dante’s Commedia, Foligno, 1472. There are many superb bindings including five produced for Jean Grolier and many by the last English binders of the late 18th century.
Various works from Quin's general library have been added from time to time, including many of his sale catalogues (Crevenna, Gouttard, La Valliere, etc.), and the second volume of his "travelling diary" (housed in Manuscripts & Archives).
Bequeathed 1805.